Saturday, 29 June 2013

The Answer to "Why Efi Logic????"

Efi logic is a company with over 20 years of experience in engine tuning. It offers a variety of services for different types of engines .The tuning is done by experts who use the latest technology and can be reverted at any time . The company is situated in Dania Beach Florida.
Efi stands for electronic fuel injection . Fuel injection is a very important part in the evolution of engines . So important, that nowadays, every new car has a fuel injection system . The first EFI was the Electrojector and was released in 1957 by American Motors Corporation(AMC). The first EFI  engines were not very successful therefore not many cars had them pre-installed, but as time passed better EFI technology appeared and it became an useful and desired feature on a car .  The rise of the electronic fuel injection came in the 1980’s when it started to be used widely on European cars . In 1980 Motorola also released the first electronic engine control unit called EEC  III. And engine control unit or an ECU is an electronic control unit that ensures that the engine is running smoothly . 

A lot of companies specialize in electronic fuel injection tuning . The main advantages of tuning your Efi engine are that it can lead to an increase in power band, better fuel economy and a higher power .  One such company is Efi logic .The Company does not only offer its services at the shop but is also available to travel to your location in order to tune your engine.
Efi tuning software is a good thing to have for both professional racers and casual drivers . As long as you love your car and have the money to improve it there’s no reason not to seek their services . Efi logic also has already made packages such as the Porsche Cayenne 6.8T Package . You can find more information about it at their website in the news category.
Their experience with a great variety of car engines and their access to advanced software and tools help them increase your ECU performance to a new level and gives them the reputation of being some of the best EFI tuners available . Their services can be used on almost any car from BMW and Nissans to Lamborghinis and Ferraris.
Besides the actual car tuning ,EFI logic can also help in developing new tuning products . The company has the best software and tools necessary to test any new product .
They also have a FAQ category on their websites . A lot of questions that you might want the answer can be answered and if you don’t find what you’re looking for you can always contact them .
For those that don’t understand the process you can ask more details to find out the hard work that is being put into tuning a car. While many might think that it’s an easy tasks because it looks that way for the untrained eye, it is definitely far from that . Properly tuning a car requires experience and the best available software and tools in order to achieve a good product.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

The Electronic fuel Injection back in History.

People are who are interested in automotives, Fast and high technology Cars are well know about Electronic fuel injection worth as compare to other peoples who are not so involved in these kind of things and activities. Efi services come in action when most of companies started installing Fuel injections in carburetors of advanced cars of that time in 1980s.

At that time people uses manual working Fuel injection as this was too far of any one’s mind about Electronic fuel injection. As the time passes Technology keep modifying itself and many companies introduce Different Models of Fuel Injection like Throttle Body Injection (TBI), multiport fuel injection (MFI) and more.
Here is Come Separate Information.

Throttle Body Injection (TBI)
Throttle Body Injection was in many vehicles at the start and mid of 1980s. This was one of the reliable fuel injection of that time. This worked as an intermediate step for electronic carburetion to multiport fuel injection. TBI uses two or one Fuel Injection Fixed in a throttle body to fuel the engine.

Multiport fuel injection (MFI)
It was uses almost last models car engines. It has a fixed saparete fuel injection for Each cylinder. The Injection generally fixed in the intake manifold and spray fuel into the intake ports.

And Finally first time Efi system (Electronic Fuel Injection Systems) was introduced by Bendix Corporation and was offered by American Motors Corporation. This was a wonderful achievement that in acting so far. Efi system is still successfully working for every vehicle even for Sports cars even most of professional Efi Logic platform providing their top notch services. I know one of them that is .

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


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